Under the Microscope with Scintica

All about Science, Scientists & Their Research

Kristine Deleon - Pennell, PhD

Dr. DeLeon-Pennell was trained in cardiovascular sciences at Baylor University, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She has >10 years’ experience with all aspects of the inflammatory and fibrotic components of cardiac remodeling following a heart attack. Her current research projects focus on the role of the adaptive immune system and how it interplay with the innate immune system to regulate cardiac wound healing.  

Kristine Deleon - Pennell, PhD

Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)

Anand Narayanan , PhD

Dr. Anand Narayanan has an interdisciplinary background in engineering, biology, and physiology, with specialized training in cardiovascular sciences, in lymphatics while at Texas A&M University and in heart and blood vascular adaptations now at Florida State University, having also studied cardiovascular-coupled organ system adaptations including cerebral, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal physiology. He has more than 10 years of physiology and immunology experience.

Anand Narayanan , PhD

NASA Space Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, Florida State University

Bruce Arthur Young , PhD

Dr. Young's current research area is the neurobiology and biophysics of sensory systems, and particularly audition, in reptiles. Audition in this group is remarkably diverse, including: pressure-coupled tympani in some taxa; tympanic and non-tympanic ears; elaborate stapedial dampening systems; separate low-frequency and high-frequency auditory pathways; as well as integration with pressure and/or vibration detection systems. A second area of research is the neurobiology of venom secretion, storage, and activation.

Bruce Arthur Young , PhD

Professor of Anatomy Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

Erik Blackwood , PhD

Dr. Erik Blackwood is currently a researcher at the University of Arizona, in the College of Medicine. Erik earned his PhD under Dr. Chris Glembotski at the San Diego State University Heart Institute, after completing his bachelor’s degree at the University of Notre Dame. Throughout his career, Erik’s research has focused on unlocking the therapeutic potential of various targets on pathological cardiovascular remodeling.

Erik Blackwood , PhD

Faculty in Training, Translational Cardiovascular Research Center
University of Arizona, College of Medicine Phoenix

Kara Wendel, PhD

Dr. Kara Wendel is a product manager at Scintica Instrumentation, she specializes in the Aspect M-Series compact MRI. Kara received her Ph.D. from UC Irvine where she studied how early life experiences shape brain circuits. During her Ph.D., she utilized MRI and viral tracing to map circuits within animal models. She followed her passion for science and cutting-edge technology by joining Scintica Instrumentation where she now works closely with researchers to implement and optimize the use of MRI in laboratories.

Kara Wendel, PhD

Product Manager at Scintica

James E. Trosko, PhD

Dr. James Trosko received his Ph.D. in radiation genetics. Later, Dr. Trosko issued the first paper showing that normal human cells could repair their UV-damaged DNA. He was highlighted on the cover of Cancer Research as one of the researchers who linked gap junctions to the carcinogenesis process.

James E. Trosko, PhD

Department of Pediatrics & Human Development

Ben Rush, PhD

Dr. Ben Rush attended Indiana University Bloomington for his undergrad and masters in public health, where he served as a graduate student researcher. He served two years with the American corps as a personal chef. He later returned to graduate school to obtain his Ph.D. in nutritional sciences where he studied how various body composition and bio-imaging methods can capture muscle quality with the goal to use those methods in lung cancer and aging intervention.

Ben Rush, PhD

Founder of the Deeper than Data Podcast 

Jevin Lortie, PhD

Dr. Jevin Lortie is currently conducting post-doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the Nutritional Sciences Department. He grew up in the Chicago, Illinois area. He was first introduced to science by experimenting with cooking and baking. His current research involves muscle imaging, gut microbiome, and heart failure.

Jevin Lortie, PhD

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin

Savita Dhanvantari, PhD​

Dr. Savita Dhanvantari received her Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Toronto. She carried out her post-doctoral studies at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD under the supervision of Dr. Y. Peng Loh. In 2002, she joined the Lawson Health Research Institute where she is a scientist in both the Metabolism and Diabetes Program and the Imaging Program. She is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario, and cross-appointed to the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

Savita Dhanvantari, PhD

Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario

Terry Jordan

Terry Jordan was born in Wisconsin USA. He graduated from high school in 1967 and went into the army for two years in 1969 during the Vietnam Era. He then lived a vagabond life for ten years until joining the Navy where he stayed until he retired. Terry has survived throat cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. At the age of 74, he became a songwriter who wrote 12 songs, including on that was submitted for a Grammy nomination in the category of Best Song for Social Change.

Terry Jordan

Iran-Iraq War Veteran
Three-Time Cancer Survivor
Songwriter & Storyteller

Dive deeper into the microscope with Scintica