Under the Microscope with Scintica
All about Science, Scientists & Their Research
Kristine Deleon - Pennell, PhD
Kristine Deleon - Pennell, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)

Anand Narayanan , PhD
Anand Narayanan , PhD
NASA Space Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, Florida State University

Bruce Arthur Young , PhD
Bruce Arthur Young , PhD
Professor of Anatomy Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

Erik Blackwood , PhD
Erik Blackwood , PhD
Faculty in Training, Translational Cardiovascular Research Center
University of Arizona, College of Medicine Phoenix

Kara Wendel, PhD
Kara Wendel, PhD
Product Manager at Scintica

James E. Trosko, PhD
James E. Trosko, PhD
Department of Pediatrics & Human Development

Ben Rush, PhD
Ben Rush, PhD
Founder of the Deeper than Data Podcast

Jevin Lortie, PhD
Jevin Lortie, PhD
Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin

Savita Dhanvantari, PhD
Savita Dhanvantari, PhD
Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario

Terry Jordan
Terry Jordan
Iran-Iraq War Veteran
Three-Time Cancer Survivor
Songwriter & Storyteller

Past Webinars
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Upcoming Webinars
Dive deeper into the microscope with Scintica
(Dec 11th, 2024) The Paradigm Shift from Normoxia to Physoxia: Enhancing Experimental Precision for Better Translational Outcomes
The Paradigm Shift from Normoxia to Physoxia: Enhancing Experimental Precision for Better Translational
Science Corner: Utilizing Ultrasound Imaging & Shear Wave Elastography to Evaluate Therapy Response of Tumors at an Early Stage
Utilizing Ultrasound Imaging & Shear Wave Elastography to Evaluate Therapy Response of Tumors
(November 14, 2024) NIR-II Fluorescence imaging: Why, When and How
(November 14, 2024) NIR-II Fluorescence imaging: Why, When and How Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR)
(November 13 2024) Webinar: Reduce and Prevent Contamination in Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratories
(November 13, 2024) Reduce and Prevent Contamination in Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratories
Application Note: Deep Brain Imaging Utilizing Novel Surgical Techniques: Cranial Imaging Window and Cannula with Intravital Tunable Two-Photon Microscopy
M-Series Application Note: Deep Brain Imaging Utilizing Novel Surgical Techniques: Cranial Imaging Window
White Paper: Baker InvivO2 and PhO2x Box in orthopaedics, metabolism and body composition studies
M-Series White Paper: Baker InvivO2 and PhO2x Box in orthopaedics, metabolism and body