System Overview
MoleculUS is a dual-modality ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) data acquisition unit that allows the simultaneous collection of ultrasound and photoacoustic channels sharing the same probe elements. The analog signal path of the MoleculUS is split into PA and US paths. PA and US modes operate sequentially with support for a US preview mode and continuous on-fly multiplexing between modes. For PA mode data acquisition, each channel has a dedicated preamplifier with high input impedance and a fixed 40 dB gain. MoleculUS can use linear, convex, and endocavity handheld probes. Software SDK and user interface are written in MATLAB® (compiled and source code versions); the back-end is a compiled C++ 64-bit DLL library.

Features & Benefits
Compact housing and USB PC connection for easy instrument integration
Access to raw RF data for both US and PA modes
Integrated TR switching between high voltage, transmit/receive US beamformer and low voltage, receive only PA optimized electronics
PA mode utilizes optimized broadband preamplification
Standard clinical, preprogrammed ultrasound (US) modes with toggle on/off photoacoustic (PA) mode
Sync external hardware with data acquisition using electronic or optical IN/OUT trigger ports
Standalone control software based on MATLAB® and backend SDK written in C++ compatible with many frontend languages such as LabView, MATLAB® and PythonTM

Ultrasonic imaging with molecular analysis
128 US/PA channels
46 to 91 dB PA-mode programmable gain
1 to 18 MHz transducer center frequency
40 MSPS sampling rate
2.2 MΩ PA-mode input impedance
50 Ω US-mode input impedance
Cannon QLC-260 Input Connector
Available US Modes: B(2D), M, Color Doppler, Pulsed Wave Doppler