Rodent Surgical Monitor+ (RSM+)

Integrated Surgical Warming
and Vital Signs Monitoring

System Overview




System Overview

The Indus Rodent Surgical Monitor+ is an advanced, integrated surgical warming and vital signs monitoring solution for preclinical research in mice, rats and other small animals. The system provides detailed information, in real time, regarding subject body temperature, ECG, heart rate, pressure and respiration. The system incorporates intelligent zone heating, ultra-low noise, high-resolution ECG electronics, noninvasive electrodes, and a port for external needle electrodes for when subjects cannot be laid prone or supine.

A standard setup consists of three components:

  • Touchscreen Display Unit
  • Heated Surgical Platform  
  • Temperature Probe

Optional components:

  • Pulse Oximetry Thigh Clip
  • Pressure Adapter Cable and Pressure Catheter
  • External Needle Electrodes

Core body temperature is measured by rectal probe and regulated via the Heated Surgical Platform

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High-resolution multi-lead ECG measured by noninvasive paw or subcutaneous needle electrodes.

Heart Rate

Heart rates between 60 – 999 bpm are automatically calculated from the R peaks of the ECG signal.


Properly titrate anesthesia based on respiration rate, measured using electrical impedance.

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Measure high fidelity arterial and ventricle pressure in mice and rats using a solid state pressure catheter.


Measure arterial blood oxygenation non-invasively in mice and rats using a thigh clip sensor.

Features & Benefits

Real Time Monitoring

Clearly labelled numeric panels and measurement waveforms make it easy to monitor critical parameters.



Three sets of electrodes make it easy to work with small mice, large rats and many small animals in between.

Easy Documentation

A single image can capture animal ID, vital signs, study ID, researcher, date, time and all filter settings.

Standalone Data Collection

Capture data, make comments and view recordings on the tablet to quickly take measurements and verify experiment details.


Responsive electronic heating can respond to changing lab conditions within seconds, not minutes,

Customizable Presets

Define optimal study conditions and ensure consistency between subjects and collaborating labs.


Expansion modules allow you to easily add functionality later as your lab and study’s needs change.

Model Parts & Specifications

Touchscreen Display Unit

Configurable, clear waveforms and numeric panels provide information to monitor subject physiological status. Recording, playback and export functions are included to make data collection easy.

Rodent Surgical Monitor - Indus Instruments
High Resolution Color with Capacitive Touch
Size & Resolution
10.1 Inches; 2560 x 1600 pixels
Storage Capacity
25 GB available
Power Supply
Universal Adapter (100 – 240 VAC)
Connection to the Heated Surgical Platform
Wireless or optional USB-C
Physiologic Measurements
Range Measurement
Heart Rate (Lead I, II, II)
60-999 BPM
Respiration Rate
15-400 BrPM
Core Temperature
0 – 50°C
Pad Temperature
25.0 – 43.5°C
R-R Interval (Lead I, II, III)
60 – 1000 ms
SpO2 *
80 – 100%
Pressure **
-50 – 300 mmHg
Waveform Display Options
ECG Lead aVL, aVR, aVF
Respiration (from ECG)
Pulse Plethysmogram *
Pressure **

* SpO2 and Pulse Plethysmogram measurements require the “Pulse Oximeter software and clip”

** Pressure measurements require the “Pressure software upgrade and pressure catheters”

Heated Surgical Platform

Configurable, clear waveforms and numeric panels provide information to monitor subject physiological status. Recording, playback and export functions are included to make data collection easy.

7.6 x 11.6 x 0.75 inches
3.4 pounds
Heater Type
Responsive with Multiple Zone Control
Heater Uniformity
< 0.5°C Across Active Area
Startup Time
< 2 minutes from room temperature
Heater Set Temperature
Adjustable, 25.0 – 43.5°C by 0.1°C
Power Supply
Universal Adapter (100-240 VAC)
Noninvasive Electrodes
Two sets of limb ECG contact electrodes; inner set for mouse, outer for rats or subjects of similar size
Optional External Electrodes
3.5mm 4-pole audio jack to four 13mm stainless steel needle electrodes
Temperature Probe

Each Rodent Surgical Monitoris delivered with a single rectal temperature probe. Customers may select between probes ideal for adult mice or for adult rats.

The temperature probe sensor is a Copper-Constantan Thermocouple, located at the tip of the probe. Probe temperature resolution is +/-0.1°C. Calibrated probe accuracy is +/-0.1°C at operating temperature.

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Optional Accessories

Past Webinars - Rodent Surgical Monitor+ (RSM+)

Publications & Articles

Cardiac Function

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