Prospect T2

High-frequency Ultrasound System For Preclinical Imaging

"In all, I recommend the device to any wishing to study hemodynamics"

Henry Palfrey

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

"Enhanced workflow & imaging with excellent support"

Katy Trampel

Northwestern University

"This is one of the best money spent on equipment for our mouse models in the laboratory!"

Danielle Carlson

Mayo Clinic Rochester

System Overview

The Prospect T2 is an innovative high-frequency ultrasound system designed specifically for in vivo preclinical imaging in small animals such as mice and rats. This compact and cost-effective tablet-based system provides high-resolution images (up to 30 µm) and advanced capabilities to monitor changes in hemodynamics and observe anatomical structures in real-time.

With its standard ultrasound capabilities, such as B-mode, M-mode, Color/Power Doppler, Pulsed Wave Doppler, Tissue Doppler, and Contrast imaging, the Prospect T2 offers an array of imaging options for a wide range of applications.

Additionally, the system offers access to the RAW digital RF data, making it possible to generate quantitative results and perform offline data analysis.

The included scanning platform is equipped with a heated mouse or rat-sized platform and integrated physiological monitoring, making it easier to position the animal and acquire high-quality images.

Three different single-element probes are available to choose from, depending on the animal to be imaged and the anatomical targets. The ergonomic design of the animal handling apparatus ensures easy positioning and cleaning between imaging subjects, while the analytical tools and measurement packages help to speed up the process of generating results.

Features & Benefits

The Prospect T2, a cost-effective high-frequency preclinical ultrasound system, can be used within the laboratory. No more need for a core imaging facility.

Standard Imaging Modes

  • B-Mode
  • M-Mode
  • Pulsed Wave, Tissue, Color, Power Doppler
  • Contrast Mode
    (Linear and non-linear/harmonic)

Probes & Platforms

Probe Options:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 50MHz

Animal Handling Platforms:

  • Mouse Table
  • Rat Table
Comprehensive Measurement Packages

Users can quickly perform the measurements, compile data reports, and generate quantifiable outputs from images and spectrograms.

Analysis may be done on the system, or an offline analysis workstation.

ECG Gated Kilohertz Visualization

This mode allows users to acquire B-mode images of the heart with up to 400fps; these images provide exquisite detail of cardiac motion and may be used with any of the standard measurement tools.

RAW Data and Import Scripts

Researchers who want to look at the digital RF data from any mode can easily access it and import it into third-party software for further analysis.

Compact & Small Footprint

Tablet-based acquisition computer and compact scanning platform.

The system can easily be moved and does not need to reside in a core facility.

If needed, the system can fit within a biosafety cabinet to help researchers who may be working with immunocompromised animals or those with other concerns.

Simplified Image Guided Injection Mount

With the probe and injection mount connected, once the needle and imaging plane are aligned, the user can move the probe/needle as needed to perform the injection.

Add-on Hardware/Software Options

  • 3D Motor, including software for volume measurements
  • Image Guided Injection Mount, with software image guide
  • Shear Wave Elastography/ Acoustic Radiation Force push probe and software integration
Intuitive Workflow with Touch Screen

Preclinical researchers can quickly start their studies, acquire and store images from the various modes available, review their data and perform their required measurements. 

(Keyboard and mouse also included)

Non-linear Contrast Agent Imaging (First Harmonic)

This increases sensitivity to microbubble contrast agents without requiring reference subtraction for linear contrast agent imaging.
This improves signal sensitivity and the risk of motion artifacts within the available using both the 20MHz and 40MHz probes.

Imaging Modes



B-mode (brightness mode) is a two-dimensional grey scale image which is displayed in real time once the probe is in contact with the ultrasound gel placed on the imaging target. Anatomical targets such as the beating heart, abdominal organs, tumors, muscles, developing embryos, etc. can be visualized and measured using this mode.

 Mouse Carotid Artery – B-Mode



Mouse E15 Embryo – B-Mode

Mouse E15 Embryo – B-Mode



Mouse Left Ventricle in Long Axis - B-Mode

Mouse Left Ventricle in Long Axis – B-Mode

3D B-Mode

The 3D motor connects to the imaging platform to precisely move the animal bed with imaging subject under the probe. This type of 3D imaging is not ECG gated, and so is suitable for abdominal organs, tumors, etc. The acquisition software allows the user to select the distance the motor will travel and the step size. The acquired imaging slices are then reconstructed into a 3D image. The visualization and analysis software allows the user to move through the acquired image, view it as a 3D surface, and make volume measurements

Mouse Mammary Fat Pad Tumor – 3D B-Mode

ECG-Gated Kilohertz Visualization

ECG gated kilohertz visualization mode is a gated technique to allow for increased frame rates when imaging the heart with a single element transducer. The maximum framerate with this technique is 400fps. There are options to control how much of the artifact from respiratory movement is allowed into the image. In the image below all the respiratory artifacts can be seen, however this reduced the acquisition time.

 Mouse Left Ventricle in Long Axis – B-Mode with 30fps

ECG-Gated Kilohertz Visualization

ECG gated kilohertz visualization mode is a gated technique to allow for increased frame rates when imaging the heart with a single element transducer. The maximum framerate with this technique is 400fps. There are options to control how much of the artifact from respiratory movement is allowed into the image. In the image below all the respiratory artifacts can be seen, however this reduced the acquisition time.

Mouse Left Ventricle in Long Axis – ECG- gated kilohertz visualization with 120fps, now possible up to 400fps


M-mode (motion mode) is a one-dimensional grey scale image which is used to assess motion of a specific target, i.e. the heart, along a single line. Dimensional changes, as the myocardium moves, can be made with this very high frame rate image. The sample volume is placed on a 2D B-mode image which can be live updated at any point during image optimization.

Mouse Left Ventricle in Short Axis – M-Mode

Color Doppler

Color Doppler is a technique used to overlay a heat map of blood flow over a 2D anatomical B-mode image. The directionality and velocity of the blood flow is displayed in varying colors of blue and red; blood traveling away from the probe appears in shades of blue, while the blood traveling towards the probe appears in shades of red. Color Doppler images can be used identify vasculature, and to aid in the sample volume placement for Pulsed Wave (PW) Doppler analysis.

Mouse Aortic Arch – Color Doppler

Power Doppler

Power Doppler is a technique used to overlay a map of blood flow over a 2D anatomical B-mode image. The Power Doppler signal does not provide information on directionality, but velocity is shown as shades of orange. This imaging mode is traditionally used to aid in the visualization of overall vascularity in specific anatomical targets, i.e., tumors.

Mouse Subcutaneous Tumor – Power Doppler

Pulsed Wave (PW) Doppler

PW Doppler is used to measure blood flow velocity as a function of time, and is displayed as a spectrogram. The sample volume for this mode is typically placed on a Color Doppler image, this image can be live updated at any point for image optimization and sample volume placement. In PW Doppler the user has the option to assign an angle correction to the spectrogram data to ensure accurate velocity values are displayed. This angle should be minimized where possible, by adjusting the angle of the probe, to ensure accurate and reproducible measurements.

Mouse Mitral Valve Inflow – PW Doppler

Tissue Doppler

Tissue Doppler, like PW Doppler, displays a spectrogram over time, however with Tissue Doppler the measurement is being made on the tissue velocity not blood. The sample volume is traditionally placed over the annulus of a valve leaflet, i.e., the mitral annulus, to measure the movement of the tissue in this area. The sample volume for this mode is placed on a 2D B-mode image which can be live updated at any point during image optimization

Mouse Mitral Valve Annulus – Tissue Doppler

Contrast Mode

Contrast mode is used to detect the presence of contrast agents, such as USphere microbubbles (include link to TrustBiosonics page) typically injected intravenously into the imaging subject. There are two acquisition techniques available: linear - reference subtracted, and non-linear – first harmonic imaging.

Mouse subcutaneous tumor – Non-linear contrast agent imaging with regions of interest drawn

Contrast Mode

Mouse subcutaneous tumor – Non-linear contrast agent imaging Time vs. Intensity plots for drawn regions of interest

Mouse subcutaneous tumor – Non-linear contrast agent imaging Time vs. Intensity plots for drawn regions of interest

Shear Wave Elastography

Shear wave elastography is a technique used to study and quantify the mechanical and elastic properties of various tissues including liver, breast, tendons, muscles, etc. An acoustic radiation force is generated by a secondary, non-imaging, element mounted on the side of the imaging probe. The software is used to program the pulse sequence to generate the shear wave; the wave will propagate faster through stiffer tissues, as well as along the axis of various musculoskeletal structures. The analysis software generates a colored elastogram which is overlaid upon a B-mode image. Tissues with focal or diffuse lesions may be identified using this technique.

Propagation of Shear Wave through mouse liver

Shear Wave Elastogram showing focal lesion in mouse liver

Models & Specifications

Available Probes

50MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz
  • PB506e – Center Frequency 50MHz (33-50MHz)
  • PB406e – Center Frequency 40MHz (33-50MHz)
  • PB207e – Center Frequency 20MHz (15-25MHz)

Available Platforms

Mouse or Rat
  • Mouse Platform 17.2 x 14.2cm
  • Rat Platform 28.3 x 18.2cm

Standard, Advanced & Optional

Imaging Modes
  • B-Mode
  • M-Mode
  • Pulsed Wave / Tissue / Color / Power Doppler
  • Contrast Mode (Linear and Non-Linear/Harmonic
  • RAW data available for all modes

Accessories & add-ons


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