Fiber Photometry System

Dual Color Multichannel Fiber Photometry System


Features & Benefits

System Overview - Model R810

Detecting activity changes of neurons in the central nervous system in real-time, the fiber photometry system sums up the overall fluorescence of neurons to express overall activity without reflecting the activity of individual neurons. RWD Fiber Photometry System utilizes the 410nm wavelength as the reference channel while the 470nm light source excites GCaMP. The significance of the reference channel lies in increasing self-control, reducing spontaneous fluorescence, eliminating signal artifacts caused by animal’s intense exercise and fiber winding, expressing two kinds of proteins at the same site, detecting levels of calcium change in different groups of neurons, and true recording and analysis of dual-color fluorescence signals.

System Overview - Model R811

R811 dual color multichannel fiber photometry system is compatible with optoelectronics equipment. It has different wavelengths of excited light, 410nm and 470nm, of which 410 is used to acquire reference signal and eliminate noise. The system can record signal of green fluorescence indicator like GCaMP and dLight or neurotransmitter probe.
And also it can be applied to record the neural signal for 9 sites at the same time.

System Overview - Model R821

R821 tricolor multichannel fiber photometry system is compatible with optoelectronics equipment. It has different wavelengths of excited light, 410nm, 470nm or 560nm, of which 410 is used to acquire reference signal and eliminate noise. The system can record signal of green fluorescence indicator like GCaMP and dLight or neurotransmitter probe and red fluorescence indicator like RCaMP, jrGECO1a or neurotransmitter probe.

And also it can be applied to record the neural signal for 9 sites at the same time.

Features & Benefits

LED excitation light sources

Two kinds of LED excitation light sources at 410 & 470 nm, of which 410 is the reference channel, allows for a more accurate fluorescence signal acquisition.


The software has four pre-set fluorescence mode options, which can be applied to different experimental application scenarios.


It can support up to 9 channels, suitable for high-throughput calcium signal acquisition or simultaneous recording of multiple neural nucleus groups


High-performance and low noise CMOS camera can collect calcium fluorescence signals of multiple channels at up to 300 frames per second (fps).


When the external event is marked, the time automatically inputs to achieve a synchronous recording with behavioral video, and the external stimulus time synchronization accuracy is up to 10ms.

Input ports

4 input ports support a variety of external signal input and automatic marking while 4 output ports support TTL signals to trigger external equipment.

Technical Specifications (R810 & R811)

Model R810

Frame Rate of CMOS

0~300 FPS
sCMOS camera resolution
2048 * 2048 px
Exposure time setting range
1~100 ms
Fluorescence band
500-550 nm
Central wavelength of excitation light
410 nm, 470 nm
LED power adjustable percentage
410nm LED Output Power Range
0~100 μW
470nm LED Output Power Range
0~100 μW
Model R811

Wavelength of excitation light

410nm 470nm
Min 0 µW, Max ≥ 100 µW
Number of channels
Frame rate of fluorescent sampling
Max 250fps
Digital signal interface
4 Input and 4 Output
Signal output
Output frequency 0-500Hz
Manual marking (10), automatic marking (4), ROI marking (9)
Behavior camera
1920*1080(30fps) 1280*720(60fps) . Switchable among multiple frame rates of resolution
Compatible with optogenetics for recording and stimulation at the same site
Model R821

Wavelength of excitation light

410nm 470nm 560nm
Min 0 µW, Max ≥ 100 µW, adjustable with an accuracy of 0.1 µW
Number of channels
Frame rate of fluorescent sampling
Max 250fps
Digital signal interface
4 Input and 4 Output
Signal output
Output frequency 0-500Hz, adjustable output pulse width and duration
Manual marking (10), automatic marking (4), ROI marking (9)
Behavior camera
1920*1080(30fps) 1280*720(60fps) . Switchable among multiple frame rates of resolution
Compatible with optogenetics for recording and stimulation at the same site

Publications & Articles

Cardiac Function