In Vivo Pentamodal Tomographic Imaging
for Small Animals

Muhan Liu, 1,2,3 Hongbo Guo, 2,3,5 Hongbo Liu,1,2 Zeyu Zhang, 2 Chongwei Chi, 2 Hui Hui, 2 Di Dong, 2 Zhenhua hu, 2,4,6 And Jie Tian 1,2,4,7​

1Engineering Research Center of Molecular and Neuro Imaging of Ministry of Education & School of
Life Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China
2Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China 
3School of Information Sciences and Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710069, China
4The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China 
5Contributed equally

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Multimodality molecular imaging emerges as a powerful strategy for correlating multimodal information. We developed a pentamodal imaging system which can perform positron emission tomography, bioluminescence tomography, fluorescence molecular tomography, Cerenkov luminescence tomography and X-ray computed tomography successively. Performance of sub-systems corresponding to different modalities were characterized. In vivo multimodal imaging of an orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft mouse model was performed, and acquired multimodal images were fused. The feasibility of pentamodal tomographic imaging system was successfully validated with the imaging application on the mouse model. The ability of integrating anatomical, metabolic, and pharmacokinetic information promises applications of multimodality molecular imaging in precise medicine.

Fig. 1. System overview of our pentamodal imaging system. (a) CT, optical, and PET imaging instruments were arranged on a rotating gantry. (b)The polar coordinate system indicates the arrangement of instruments in the schematic diagram of our imaging system. Different colors are assigned for different sub-systems: yellow for PET sub-system, green for optical tomographies, and blue for CT sub-system. (c) Photograph of the overview of the system is taken before the assembling of the light shield chamber. An MRI system for verification is placed on the opposite of the rotating gantry.

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