IPS 2023: Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting

Join us for IPS 2023: Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting!

We are excited to announce that the 28th Annual Iowa Physiological Society (IPS) meeting will be held on December 8th and 9th, 2023 at the Des Moines University, Des Moines. The meeting program will be organized over 1 and ½ days (Friday afternoon and Saturday morning/afternoon) and it will be offered as a hybrid meeting, although we expect in person attendance from most of the participants.
This meeting is an excellent venue for physiologists and trainees from Iowa and nearby states to present and discuss their scientific findings and ideas, and to network with other educators, scientists, and clinicians. We have put together an exciting program. This year’s meeting will feature two keynote speakers doing cutting-edge research in their respective disciplines.
We are excited to host Dr. Warren Wiechmann, Associate Dean of Clinical Science Education & Educational Technology and Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine at UC Irvine Health School of Medicine, and Dr. Jennifer Pluznick, Associate Professor in the Physiology Department at the John Hopkins University. Dr. Wiechmann will talk about the use of games and gamification in education. Dr. Pluznick will present her research on gut microbial metabolites and blood pressure regulation.
A focus on abstract-based presentations will provide ample opportunities for participation of students and trainees. Awards for the best poster and oral presentations will be presented on Saturday before the IPS annual business meeting. On behalf of the IPS Executive Board and Organizing Committee, I cordially invite you to attend this exciting event!
 Please note the key dates appended below and look out for additional emails with links to the meeting website and other announcements:
• Abstract submission deadline: October 16 @ 11:59 pm
• Presentation notifications: November 3
• Meeting: December 8-9
Thank you in advance for sharing this announcement with colleagues as you see appropriate. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Kind Regards,
Francesca Di Sole, PhD
President, Iowa Physiological Society


Dec 08 - 09 2023


Olsen Center at Des Moines University Medicine & Health Sciences

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