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Prospect T2 High Frequency Ultrasound - Cost-effective - Portable - Small FootPrint - Small animals (mice & rats)
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Prospect T2
The Prospect T2 is a cost effective, high frequency ultrasound system specifically designed for use with small animal models. This multi-purpose system includes a full complement of imaging modes to allow for a wide array of research applications; add-on options can expand the capabilities to include 3D imaging, image guided injections, as well as shear wave elastography. The animal handling platform provides both physiological monitoring, and support, to ensure the welfare of the imaging subject.
Do not miss the chance to see how Scintica can help you hone your research.
M-Mode with Measurements of Systolic Function in the Short Axis of the Left Ventricle of a Normal Mouse
B-Mode of Rat Carotid Artery
B-Mode Image of Orthotopic Ovarian Cancer Model in a Mouse
B-Mode Image of Orthotopically Implanted Liver Tumor Cells in a Mouse
3D B-Mode Image of the Hind Limb Image of the Mouse
Mouse Embryo E15 in B-Mode
B-Mode Image of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Mouse
Developmental Biology
Contrast Mode
Kidney Tumor Doppler Analysis
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