Oxford Optronix
Founded on innovation and operating with an entrepreneurial flair, Oxford Optronix is a global pioneer in the design, development and manufacture of sophisticated instrumentation for the life sciences. Oxford Optronix’ success stems from diverse application of its high quality instrumentation, which is underpinned by a program of continuous research and development and unmatched levels of customer service.
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Articles & Publications
(Dec 11th, 2024) The Paradigm Shift from Normoxia to Physoxia: Enhancing Experimental Precision for Better Translational Outcomes
The Paradigm Shift from Normoxia to Physoxia: Enhancing Experimental Precision for Better Translational
White Paper: Baker InvivO2 and PhO2x Box in orthopaedics, metabolism and body composition studies
M-Series White Paper: Baker InvivO2 and PhO2x Box in orthopaedics, metabolism and body
Article: Anaerobic Jars vs BugBox Ax Anaerobic Workstation: Which is the Best Option?
System Used:BugBox Ax Workstation View the BugBox Ax Workstation Here In this article,