Newton 7.0

In Vivo Optical, Fluorescence & Bioluminescence, Imaging

In Vivo Optical, Fluorescence Bioluminescence, Imaging

System Overview

The Newton 7.0 is a cutting-edge optical imaging system that offers the versatility to perform bioluminescence, fluorescence, and 3D tomographic imaging in a single device. Its user-friendly interface and advanced features make it ideal for in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro imaging applications, as well as simultaneous imaging of multiple specimens.

The system features a state-of-the-art 4.6 megapixel CCD camera that boasts one of the largest apertures in the market. This camera provides excellent sensitivity for a variety of luciferase enzymes and fluorophores commonly used in preclinical research, allowing for fast and efficient signal acquisition. The intuitive workflow and user-friendly software are optimized for multi-user use, saving valuable time in longitudinal studies.

Features & Benefits

The Newton 7.0 is an innovative optical bioluminescence, fluorescence, and 3D tomographic imaging system designed with the user in mind.

State-of-the-art Camera Technology
  • Scientific grade 0 16-bit CCD
  • 4.6 MP Native Resolution
  • -90oC Absolute Cooling
  • f/0.7 Lens Aperture
  • 10 MP Image Resolution
  • 4.8 Optical Density
Powerful Fluorescent Excitation

The Newton 7.0 features eight excitation channels across the visible and near-infrared spectrums. Two powerful Laser Class II arrays tightly control the illumination light, delivering a direct, high-intensity light.

Motorized Darkroom with Adjustable Field-of-View

Vilber’s intelligent darkroom architecture allows for a fully motorized movement of the camera (Z-axis) and animal pad (X/Y axis) to move through both the macro imaging FOV (6x6cm) to the full FOV (20x20cm) for imaging up to 5 mice.

Full Spectrum Tunability

Powerful with 8 excitation channels and 8 emission filters that cover the complete spectrum from blue to infrared. 

Hard-coated narrow bandpass filters are used for the collection of emission wavelengths to reduce cross talk between signals, allowing for seamless imaging of all of the most commonly used fluorophores.

3D Optical Tomography

An integrated 3D tomography module allows for bioluminescent signals to be reconstructed in 3D and overlaid within a topographical model of the imaging subject.

The digital organ and bone library allows for the superimposition of the mouse organs and bones onto the topographical model to better understand anatomical and deeper tissue structures.

License-Free Acquisition and Analysis Software

The user-friendly software comes with unlimited licenses and free updates.

New and experienced users can quickly image their subjects using factory default acquisition protocols or create custom acquisition protocols.

Fully GLP and CFR21-compliant data can be exported in 16-bit .tiff or 8-bit .jpg formats.

In the analysis module, save ROI and analysis templates for high throughput analysis of up to 10 images side by side.

Imaging Modes

Fluorescence Imaging

Fluorescence imaging

Fluorescence imaging can be used to detect fluorescent reporter genes or dyes in vivo using Vilber’s dynamic range of emission filters.

Subcutaneous tumor expressing mCherry

Bioluminescence Imaging

Bioluminescence imaging

Bioluminescence imaging can be used to detect luciferase expressing or secreting molecules in the tissue of interest

Subcutaneous tumor expressing firefly luciferase

Multispectral In Vivo Imaging

Multispectral Imaging

Multispectral in vivo imaging is possible by using different luciferase enzyme/substrate pairs or by using different fluorescent dyes. Up to 3 signals can be overlaid within the same image.

Multispectral imaging

Longitudinal Imaging

  • Images that are acquired at different time points can be arranged to form a longitudinal image sequence.
    For example, a time series could be constructed from images acquired on different days following an experimental treatment.
  • Software then compares the image data throughout the experimental treatment.

Models & Specifications


MODELS BT100 & BT500
3 & 5 Mice
  • In Vivo / In Vitro Optical imaging platform
  • Bioluminescence Detection
  • 3D Optical Tomography


MODELS FT100 & FT500
3, 5 & 10 Mice
  • In Vivo / In Vitro Optical imaging platform
  • Bioluminescence Detection
  • 3D Optical Tomography
  • Fluorescence Detection
Newton 7.0 Bio


Plant Imaging
  • In Vivo / In Vitro Optical imaging platform
  • Bioluminescence Detection Fentogram
  • Fluorescence Detection Picogram
All Models
  • 16-bit Scientific Grade CCD Camera
  • Cooling: -90°C absolute
  • Cooling: -120°C Delta
All Models
  • Proprietary V.070 – Fixed
  • Focal Length Motorized lens
  • Aperture: f/0.7
All Models
  • Resolution: 2160×2160
  • Monochrome & Color Imaging
All Models
  • 11-Position motorized filter wheel for all models
  • 8 Narrow Band-pass filters included as standard 500 / 550 / 600 / 650/ 700/ 750 / 800 / 850 nm


BT100 BT500 FT100 FT500 BIO


Dual EPI-White Light LED Panels

Dual EPI-White Light LED Panels

Dual EPI-White Light LED Panels

Dual EPI-White Light LED Panels

Dual EPI-White Light LED Panels


Upgradeable to Fluorescence

Upgradeable to Fluorescence

8 Fluorescent Channels Included 420 / 480 / 520 / 580 / 640 / 680 / 740 / 780nm

8 Fluorescent Channels Included 420 / 480 / 520 / 580 / 640 / 680 / 740 / 780nm

8 Fluorescent Channels Included 420 / 480 / 520 / 580 / 640 / 680 / 740 / 780nm


BT100 BT500 FT100 FT500 BIO

Filter Wheel

11-position Motorized Filter Wheel

11-position Motorized
Filter Wheel

11-position Motorized Filter Wheel

11-position Motorized Filter Wheel

11-position Motorized Filter Wheel

Emission Filters

4 Narrow Band-pass filters included for BLI Tomography:

4 Narrow Band-pass filters included for BLI Tomography: 500/550/600/650nm

8 Narrow Band-pass filters included:

8 Narrow Band-pass filters included:

8 Narrow Band-pass filters included:


BT100 BT500 FT100 FT500 BIO


  • Fixed Camera
  • Fixed Animal Stage
  • Z-Axis Motorized Camera
  • X/Y-Axis Motorized Animal Stage
  • Fixed Camera
  • Fixed Animal Stage
  • Z-Axis Motorized Camera
  • X/Y-Axis Motorized Animal Stage
  • Z-axis Motorized Camera
  • 15° Tilting Sample Stage

Animal Handling

  • Heated Mouse Bed (+37°C) included
  • Animal breathers included
  • Heated Mouse Bed (+37°C) included
  • Animal breathers included
  • Heated Mouse Bed (+37°C) included
  • Animal breathers included
  • Heated Mouse Bed (+37°C) included
  • Animal breathers included
  • Not Applicable

Heated Mouse Bed (+37°C) (included)

Animal breathers (included)

(Not Included with Newton 7.0 BIO)

Accessories / Add-ons

BT100 BT500 FT100 FT500 BIO


Fixed Camera
Fixed Animal Stage
Z-Axis Motorized Camera
X/Y-Axis Motorized Animal Stage
Fixed Camera
Fixed Animal Stage
Z-Axis Motorized Camera
X/Y-Axis Motorized Animal Stage
Z-axis Motorized Camera
15° Tilting Sample Stage



Optical imaging can be used to non-invasively monitor the progression and spread of cancer throughout the body in preclinical animal models


Monitoring various populations of immune cells can contribute significantly to the understanding of their physiology and the development of new therapeutic strategies

Infectious disease

Optical imaging can be used to non-invasively visualize a site of infection as well as the efficacy of a treatment in the context of living subject


Optical imaging can be used to monitor the progression of various neurodegenerative diseases as well as to test novel targeted therapeutics within the brain and spinal cord

Biodistribution studies

The ability to image the whole subject, gives optical imaging a unique advantage in preclinical biodistribution studies, one image can provide measurements for multiple organs throughout the body

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