(December 2, 2020) WEBINAR: Tips and Tricks for Successful Rat Telemetry Blood Pressure Recordings

Chronic blood pressure recordings from the abdominal aorta are commonplace in cardiovascular physiology, however the surgical implantation of catheters can be challenging. This webinar provided an overview of the surgical protocol that we recommend when implanting Kaha Sciences blood pressure telemeters. We also discussed some simple strategies to avoid common problems and the troubleshooting of unexpected signals. Full surgical videos are also available on the Kaha Sciences Knowledge Centre.

Learning Objectives:

  • Overview of the surgical approach for implanting Kaha Sciences pressure telemeters
  • What are the most common problems with abdominal implantation?
  • How do you ensure the best recovery of animals post-surgery?
  • Unexpected signals in your pressure waveform – what do they mean?

About the Speaker (s)

 Phil Griffiths

Telemetry Application Specialist

Europe, Kaha Sciences

Phil has a BSc and PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Bristol, UK and spent several years at Bristol as a post-doc investigating the central control of blood pressure. Over the course of his career in academia he gained extensive expertise in rodent in vivo procedures, including in vivo electrophysiology and blood pressure telemetry using the Kaha Sciences telemetry system. He has presented at several international conferences and published his research on the role of the neuropeptide apelin in the central control of blood pressure. Phil’s current role at Kaha Sciences is to provide sales and technical support within the European region, utilising his experience as a user to understand customer applications and needs