(November 4, 2020) WEBINAR: Therapeutic Relevance of Elevated Blood Pressure After Ischemic Stroke in the Hypertensive Rats

Dr Pratik Thakkar from the University of Auckland presented data from their recent Hypertension publication where they used Cohousing mode (two telemeters in a single rat) to simultaneously record ICP, BP and brain tissue oxygen in a rat model of ischemic stroke.

Spontaneously hypertensive rats were instrumented with telemeters to record BP, intracranial pressure, and brain tissue oxygen in a model of stroke. In different groups of rats, blood pressure was controlled to different levels before and after stroke to mimic clinical management of diagnosed and undiagnosed hypertensive patients. As well as presenting the scientific outcomes of this study, Pratik discussed the benefits and challenges of using telemetry for such a complex study and will share recommendations of things to consider when designing similar experiments.

Learning objectives:

  • Measurement of tissue oxygen, intracranial pressure and blood pressure by telemetry in a rat model of stroke
  • How does pre- and post-stroke treatment of hypertension affect post-stroke outcomes?
  • The benefits and challenges of performing telemetry measurements and considerations for experimental design

About the Speaker (s)

Pratik Thakkar

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The University of Auckland

Pratik has more than 8 years of progressive experience in the research, academic, hospital, and community division. Having a postgraduate in pharmacology and a PhD in physiology, he brings strong research, analytical, and laboratory skills. During his PhD, he explored the cerebrovascular research under the supervision of Dr Fiona McBryde and Dr Carolyn Barrett at the Department of Physiology, The University of Auckland. His PhD project was outlined to investigate the physiological role of elevated blood pressure after ischemic stroke in rats. He studied to improve the understanding behind high blood pressure response in the acute period of stroke orienting important and real-world clinical scenarios. He has published two articles in high impact peer-reviewed Americal journals (Stroke and Hypertension) from his study. Currently, he is working as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Cardiorespiratory lab under the supervision of Prof Julian Paton looking at novel therapeutic targets in the carotid body to treat cardio-metabolic diseases.