(July 22, 2020) WEBINAR: SimPET a Preclinical PET Insert for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging

In this webinar presented by Scintica Instrumentation, we presented the Brightonix SimPET simultaneous PET/MRI insert system, an advanced silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) based PET insert for truly simultaneous PET/MR imaging with a compact design, low power consumption, and excellent PET detector stability.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a nuclear imaging technique which has long been regarded as the gold standard for visualization of metabolic processes. PET uses small amounts of radionuclides to track metabolic and functional processes in the body with unparalleled  sensitivity.

Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides a unique non-invasive opportunity to image both the functional and structural characteristics of biological systems. PET imaging shows high-sensitivity to dynamic metabolic and functional processes while MRI produces exceptional soft-tissue contrast. Combining both modalities allows clinicians and researchers to collect a wealth of biological information with regard to both structure and metabolic processes in-vivo.

The SimPET insert is the world’s first complete and most cost-effective permanent magnet simultaneous PET/MRI solution for preclinical research. Recently, the system performance was assessed following the NEMA NU 4-2008 standard (Performance Measurements of Small Animal Positron Emission Tomographs). Briefly the PET insert was shown to have excellent detector stability, sub mm spatial resolution, and excellent energy resolution (10%). Further the SimPET insert was shown to integrate seamlessly with the Aspect M7 Preclinical MRI showing no mutual interference between the two systems during simultaneous operation. Combined this system provides high image quality, exceptional PET performance, simultaneous or standalone operation, MRI-based attenuation correction, and low maintenance.

Specifically, in this webinar we presented:

  • An overview of PET imaging
  • An introduction to Brightonix and the SimPET system
  • An in depth look at the technical capabilities of the SimPET system
  • An introduction to simultaneous PET/MRI with the Aspect M7 System
  • Potential applications of PET and simultaneous PET/MRI

About the Speaker (s)

Patrick McCunn, PhD

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Neuroscience and Mental Health Hospital for Sick Children

Patrick McCunn is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neurosciences and Mental Health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Ontario and holds a PhD in Medical Biophysics from the University of Western Ontario. His research focuses on the development and application of novel imaging techniques to detect neurodegeneration and brain injury. Additionally, Patrick works as an Applications Specialist for Scintica Instrumentation in the Imaging Division.