(March 31, 2021) LIVE Online Demonstration: Prospect T1, High-Frequency Ultrasound System

Hands-on demonstration of the Prospect T1, high-frequency ultrasound system

During this live demonstration we demonstrated the animal preparation steps and positioning for both mice and rats on the Prospect T1. We also showed the following cardiac views on both species:

  • Long Axis, in B-Mode
  • Short Axis, in B-Mode and M-Mode
  • Pulmonary Artery, in B-Mode, Color Doppler, Pulsed Wave Doppler
  • Apical 4-Chamber to Measure Mitral Valve Flow, in B-Mode, Color Doppler, Pulsed Wave Doppler, and Tissue Doppler

We also examined the aortic arch, carotid arteries, abdominal aorta, and other abdominal organs throughout the demonstration.

About the Prospect T1, High-Frequency Ultrasound System:

The Prospect T1 is a high-frequency ultrasound system specifically designed for preclinical imaging applications on mice, rats, and other similarly sized animals. It is a compact, bench-top system composed of the tablet including all of the electronics, the imaging platform and a selection of probes and heated stages depending on your application and species. Applications include cardiac imaging to assess both systolic and diastolic function, vascular measurements, as well as developmental biology, cancer research, and other anatomical and vascular imaging within the abdomen. Image guided injections and 3D imaging are all possible with this system, as is harmonic imaging of microbubble contrast agents, and shear wave elastography. 

About the Speaker (s)

Tonya Coulthard, MSc

Product Manager at Scintica

Tonya Coulthard holds an MSc from the University of British Columbia in Experimental Medicine. Throughout her academic training she focused on a variety of diseases ranging from prion to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. In her professional career she has worked with several imaging and medical device companies; in these roles she has interacted with researchers around the world covering a very diverse range of research applications. In her present role at Scintica Instrumentation Tonya manages our Imaging Division; in this role she works in supporting our customers in understanding the products offered and how these instruments help to meet their research needs.